Envolve launches first Panhellenic Student Entrepreneurship Competition
High school students in Greece are invited to participate in Envolve Entrepreneurship’s first business innovation competition for young people, with focus on sustainable development

The Libra Group’s global entrepreneurship support organization, Envolve, after 8 years’ presence in the Greek start-up and entrepreneurship scene, has opened its doors to all high schools in Greece. The first “Panhellenic Student Entrepreneurship Competition with a focus on sustainable development” invites schools across Greece to submit their applications to this new initiative for students, validated by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs in Greece.
The competition aims to stimulate students in secondary education to engage in entrepreneurship, with environmental protection and sustainability at the heart of their strategy. The organization’s vision is to highlight and cultivate business skills among a new generation of entrepreneurs whose business ideas embody the principles of responsible investment.
Participating teams of students will submit their business idea supported by a business plan, proof of sustainability documentation, and a video presenting the final product/service on a digital platform. Teachers can apply (as team leaders) through the competition web page: https://envolveglobal.org/el/education/school_contest/. The applications submission period began on Monday, November 30, and ends on Sunday, February 14.
Alexandros Nousias, Country Director of Envolve Entrepreneurship in Greece, commented: “We are very excited about this new educational initiative. The Envolve team has always worked closely with schools, conducting classroom discussions and student visits to start-up companies. Our own team includes many young people who appreciate the concerns of the younger generation, especially their focus on environment and sustainability.”
The participating teams will receive a certificate of participation. The winning teams will receive awards from the organizer and its partners. These awards will help the teams to develop and scale their business idea. The list of the awards will be announced soon and will be constantly updated.
Jimmy Athanasopoulos, Chairman of Envolve Entrepreneurship and Greece Representative of Libra Group’s Social Responsibility stated: “Our journey started in 2012 amid an economic downturn, aiming to help people with vision. Now we can offer a platform for young people to express their vision – we want to inspire them to make it happen. We have always considered Greece’s human capital as the country’s greatest asset, and we hope that teams and ideas that can inspire the student and business world will be highlighted through this initiative.”
The student competition is held under the auspices of the Ministry of Interior (Macedonia – Thrace), the Municipality of Neapoli – Sykies, the Municipality of Nea Smyrni, the Municipality of Vari – Voula – Vouliagmeni, the Municipality of Veria, and the Municipality of Orestiada. Community partners of the student competition are MEdIES, Open Coffee Heraklion, POS4work, Women Do Business and Bizrupt.
Envolve is an entrepreneurship support organization, founded in 2012 by Libra Group with a mission to support entrepreneurs in Greece and the U.S.A. through three main pillars: education, resources and awards. In Greece, through its seven cycles of the annual competition “Envolve Award Greece”, it has declared 31 winners who are active in 19 different sectors of the economy, creating more than 1,800 jobs, attracting investments of €120 million, with a total valuation of over €300 million. The student competition is part of the educational activities of the organization, while it already plans more actions for the new generation.